When you go to the pet store, do you usually just grab your essentials like food and treats and head home? I am guilty of going to the pet store a few times a month and getting the bags or cans of food and box or two of treats and I am out the door. I am not always thinking about getting them a toy or anything fun like that. They have a few toys at home they like to play with and I kind of put the whole toy issue our of my head. When it comes to the holidays, do you get your pet anything special? If so, do you wrap it and put it under the tree until it is time to tear open the presents? I had a dog when I was a teenager and she knew when you put her gift under the tree and she would guard it. If you dared to go near it, she would bare her teeth and growl at you like she was so ferocious! Well, I do try to get the dogs something each year for Christmas but I do not always know what to get them. This year, I decided to give them a box full of goodies from Happy Dog Box.
Give Gifts For Your Dog From Happy Dog Box
You may not have a fierce guard dog like my Penny when it comes to Christmas, but dogs still enjoy getting a treat now and again. Why not give gifts for your dog from Happy Dog Box? The program is a monthly subscription which is filled with 5-6 great items your dog will love. As you can see from my pictures, Ringo and Elvis got a toy, some chewy treats for their teeth, gourmet treats and even treats good for their growth and development. Each product is hand chosen by the staff at Happy Dog Box and they are always all natural. They even included some poop bags that are scented like lavender for easy and not so smelly cleaning of your doggies business.
Each box has items you may not find in a traditional pet store and many of the goodies are hard to find. Each box is personalized for your dogs size so you get exactly what is best for them. You save by purchasing your monthly box rather than buying each item separately, which would be way more expensive. You can choose from a one, three or six month subscription, with savings for the more months you purchase. The boxes start at $25 per month for the one and three month plan and drop down to $21 for the six month plan. You can cancel by just emailing customer service, but you will love it so much, you would never dream of it! Be sure to stay current with the latest news from Happy Dog Box by following them on Facebook and Twitter.